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  1. Hi! These Minimalist Clothing Care Tips are so useful. I’m glad I found your post because it has opened my eyes in some basic things that I had surely been doing wrong.First of all, getting rid of clothes that I don’t wear anymore is an important step. Following clothing care tips on the labels is another one. But this Dryer Clothing Care Tip using hair conditioner has really made me reconsider how I view the clothes in my Wardrobe. Thank you very much!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Henry. I am happy you found a little value in this post. 

  2. Hi Tony – you have some great tips here on clothing care and organizing your wardrobe.  Whether you are a minimalist or not, people can get some tips here on best practices for caring for your clothing and footwear.  I’m guilty of keeping clothes I haven’t worn for years around for too long.  I need to set a timeframe that if I haven’t worn that item of clothing or shoes with the last 2 years, I need to get rid of it.

    Thanks for the information,


    1. Thanks, Michele. Yeah, I agree. Clothing and items that are not being used can provide value elsewhere. You can earn a buck or just reclaim space in your home.

  3. Dancinscot says:

    I like your sense of organization! Life is truly that much easier if one has an organized closet. I like to keep my work clothes together so I don’t have to think too hard in the morning lol. Color separating has long been my habit. It really is essential to watch the labels, for laundering and drying. In fact, I check them at the store because I don’t want everyday clothes that need to much care. You have some great details in this article and it is good to be reminded of them!

    1. Thanks for your comment Dancinscot. Sorry but I am the worst organized person on the planet but I am working on it. LOL. It’s great to have a plan to help achieve my goals.

  4. Cheyenne C. says:

    Love this article, I reall really need to go through my closet it is a hot mess in there. I have so many shows that I haven’t worn in forever that just those alone I’d clear up so much space. Thank you for this article and kicking me in the rear to be more organized and take better care of my clothes.

    1. Thanks Cheyenne. Sometimes the joy and less stress looking over and seeing a clutter-free closet brings are rewards enough. LOL

  5. Hi Tony – you have some great tips here on clothing care and organizing your wardrobe.  Whether you are a minimalist or not, people can get some tips here on best practices for caring for your clothing and footwear.  I’m guilty of keeping clothes I haven’t worn for years around for too long.  I need to set a timeframe that if I haven’t worn that item of clothing or shoes with the last 2 years, I need to get rid of it.

    Thanks for the information,


    1. Thanks, Michele. Yeah, I agree. Clothing and items that are not being used can provide value elsewhere. You can earn a buck or just reclaim space in your home.

  6. Dancinscot says:

    I like your sense of organization! Life is truly that much easier if one has an organized closet. I like to keep my work clothes together so I don’t have to think too hard in the morning lol. Color separating has long been my habit. It really is essential to watch the labels, for laundering and drying. In fact, I check them at the store because I don’t want everyday clothes that need to much care. You have some great details in this article and it is good to be reminded of them!

    1. Thanks for your comment Dancinscot. Sorry but I am the worst organized person on the planet but I am working on it. LOL. It’s great to have a plan to help achieve my goals.