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  1. Ryan Basham says:

    Socially prescribed perfectionism is definitely something that I have experienced. The rise of social media is definitely the culprit for me. I’m somewhat of a late bloomer compared to most of the people that I went to college with. For a long time I beat myself up about how well they were doing compared to how I was doing. I’m finally starting to get over that, and happy to say that focusing less on what others are doing and more on improving myself has led me to a very high point in my life and career.

    1. Thanks for your comment Ryan. Yeah, I have been there. Everyone’s life looks GREAT on social media. LOL. That pressure to compete and compare can cause a great deal of anxiety. Like you, I had to learn not to compare my documentary to their highlight reel 😉

  2. says:

    Nice Tony! It looks like we have a very similar life, I am bookmarking your blog right now! Looking forward to more content like this!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I love your site and it’s Minimalist design. You have a winner 😉

  3. Thank you for your comment Antonio. Perfectionism is not what it is hyped up to be 😉

  4. Thanks for stopping by. I love your site and it’s Minimal Design. You have a winner there 😉

  5. Antonio Tourino says:

    Love what you’re saying in this, I often find myself placing happiness somewhere in the future. Being told constantly that you should be living a certain kind of life can make you burn out sometimes, definitely important to focus on the little things you have in your life and be grateful for them instead.

  6. Thanks for stopping by. I love your site and it’s Minimal Design. You have a winner there 😉

  7. says:

    Nice Tony! It looks like we have a very similar life, I am bookmarking your blog right now! Looking forward to more content like this!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I love your site and it’s Minimalist design. You have a winner 😉

  8. Ryan Basham says:

    Socially prescribed perfectionism is definitely something that I have experienced. The rise of social media is definitely the culprit for me. I’m somewhat of a late bloomer compared to most of the people that I went to college with. For a long time I beat myself up about how well they were doing compared to how I was doing. I’m finally starting to get over that, and happy to say that focusing less on what others are doing and more on improving myself has led me to a very high point in my life and career.

    1. Thanks for your comment Ryan. Yeah, I have been there. Everyone’s life looks GREAT on social media. LOL. That pressure to compete and compare can cause a great deal of anxiety. Like you, I had to learn not to compare my documentary to their highlight reel 😉

  9. Thank you for your comment Antonio. Perfectionism is not what it is hyped up to be 😉

  10. Antonio Tourino says:

    Love what you’re saying in this, I often find myself placing happiness somewhere in the future. Being told constantly that you should be living a certain kind of life can make you burn out sometimes, definitely important to focus on the little things you have in your life and be grateful for them instead.