10 Tips To Help You Begin The Living Simple Lifestyle Today

Living a Simple Lifestyle is sometimes not simple to do. A lot of us are overwhelmed by the amount of stuff and things we have to manage in our lives. The professional and personal obligations we heap upon ourselves can often consume more than a whole day.
Running on the proverbial hamster wheel trying to complete these self-imposed obligations can have an adverse effect on our health and happiness. The Living Simple Lifestyle can begin to counter those adverse effects. Downsize, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Restore is a great place to start.
Living a Simple Lifestyle leads to a more purposeful, less stressful, happier existence. Learn to get rid of the anxiety and the fear of not completing overwhelming schedules and live a happier life.
1. Waking up earlier
An early-morning routine is important because it allows you to take time for yourself. In the early morning hour, there are fewer distractions, and people vying for your attention. Your brain has optimal power. Use that power and time wisely.
Devise strategies and begin to lay the foundation for solving your most pressing problems at this time. Strong foundations to make Living Simple. The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8 AM)
2. Nourishing your body
Just as your mental state in the morning sets the tone for the rest of your day, what you eat for breakfast will determine what you’ll eat throughout the day. If you begin with a healthy breakfast, you’re more likely to continue that trend.
You will be less hungry at lunchtime. When you are not hungry you make better nutritional choices and help you stick to your predetermined routines. These predetermined routines make Living Simple.
3. Have a routine that you use to start your day that becomes automatic
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. The routine is the key to completing what would seem to be an impossible task if it’s so embedded into your routine that you don’t even have to think about you will be on the path to living a simple lifestyle.
You can build similar routines for reading, exercise, meditation, candle-making, or whatever you like. Routines won’t complicate your life because they barely require any effort once they become automatic.
4. Get Rid of information overload
Control Facebook, Twitter, or anything that constantly makes you keep clicking. The truth is that the majority of that interaction has no lasting impact on your life. 90% of it is crap.
Limiting Facebook is even better because most of it is fake and can cause envy and self-pity from seeing all your pretend friends pretend lives. You get to compare someone’s highlight film to your very truthful documentary. Not healthy.
5. Learn to say no!
Most people will agree that saying no will drastically simplify your life. “NO” is a complete sentence. Saying no to something that may not be great leaves you time to yes to something that will be great.
In Greg McKeown’s book Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less he discusses the power of “Hell Yes”. He believes if it’s not a “Hell Yes” it’s a NO! Spending time working only on the “Hell Yes” makes living simple and positive.
6. Reduce the number of ways people can reach you
After you’ve checked SMS, WhatsApp, voice mail, e-mail, your second e-mail account, Facebook messages, LinkedIn messages, Twitter mentions, Twitter DMs, Quora messages, snail-mail, and Slack for the third time in a given day, you’ve lost the opportunity to actually respond to the Hell Yes and get anything done.
Most of that stuff is noisy and is not urgent. Develop a system where only certain people can contact you and they understand they are only to do so when something is URGENT!
7. Get rid of unnecessary people in your life
A lot of people are more of a burden than an asset and simply ooze negative energy. This is very detrimental. Because their problems often become your problem.
You wanna avoid these people and get more encouraging people around you. Don’t rob people of their problems and don’t let them rob you of your joy.
8. Forgive and forget For A Better Simple Living Lifestyle
Always forgive yourself and people too. Learn to let things go. Don’t hold grudges for people. Once you forgive someone, it’s easy to get back to living your life.
It won’t haunt you anymore. You will be able to forget those memories. Love yourself. Remember EVERYTHING IS TEMPORARY, the good and the bad. Whether the storms and enjoy it all while living a simple lifestyle.
9. Help/Donate/Volunteer
Try to help at least one person a day. Service to humanity is appreciated in all religions of the world. It’s nice to be helpful and give generously. Donate whatever and wherever you can. You are blessed, give, and donate. Volunteer for some greater cause.
You will appreciate what you have and realize you really don’t need much and begin to appreciate the principles of living a simple lifestyle.
10. Give Thanks For The Simple Living Lifestyle
Gratitude is a powerful way to put things into perspective. There but for the grace of God go I. It’s just that simple. Enough said. Gansta mic drop!