Decluttering My Kitchen Instead of Remodeling to Save Time and Money

I am decluttering my kitchen instead of remodeling it to save time and money. Your kitchen already has what it needs to be functional and fabulous. There is no need to remodel; eliminate the unnecessary and let the beauty shine through.
My goal in decluttering my kitchen is to get rid of what I do not use and reclaim space—space I could use to spend time with family and friends.
I spend more time in the kitchen socializing than cooking. Decluttering my kitchen will give me more space to do what I do and enjoy most in the kitchen. Remodeling will not improve the great memories I created there with friends and family.
I have to realize that I will never become a Top Chef or a Master Baker anytime soon. I can get rid of many specialty appliance gadgets in favor of those that have multiple purposes.
I have a problem decluttering my kitchen because I love gadgets, and my love for kitchen gadgets is only eclipsed by my love for work tools. There are apparent specialty tools and gadgets that are far too unconventional to get rid of, but I just have to make the choice to do it.
Should I get rid of things like my juicer? I know I should be juicing for better health, but I have never done it regularly. This is hard for me, but I have decided to get rid of it. It takes up space and collects dust.
The main reason I am getting rid of it is not because I don’t use it but because of all the stress it causes me. I hate cleaning it after I use it. Also, I feel guilty just looking at it, and I will no longer have to deal with the bad feelings.
On the contrary, I will keep my NuWave Oven Pro Plus. I love that thing and do not use my microwave oven because of it. My friends and family love the food and snacks I prepare in the NuWave Oven, and that is a bigger plus.
Believe it or not, I will get rid of my microwave oven. I have consciously tried not to microwave my food for many years, so this will not be difficult.
I own a few manual slicers and electric salad slicers that I will eliminate because they do not have multiple uses. I will improve with a plain old knife to fulfill my cutting needs.
I will keep one electric grill and eliminate all other electric cookers except my crockpot. I am going to miss my electric knife and my electric roaster oven. But they take up space and are not needed.
Next, I will move to pots, pans, and bakeware. I will declutter my kitchen down to just one set of cookware. I will discard anything that does not have a dual purpose or is not used regularly.
I have not decided whether to keep my grill plate, which is not used often. I will keep just one of every type of baking pan.
I am removing anything I only use for special occasions and holidays. It just takes up space and is used once or twice a year. This won’t be easy, but this is what is needed.
I don’t know if everyone would like to go this drastic, but remodeling would make me happy for just a few months.
The pile of things I would like to discard is large. I will store this stuff for a few months to see if I can do without it.
If I use something from this pile within three months, I will return it to my kitchen. If I don’t use an item from the pile within three months, it will be sold or given away.
This will not be fair for my special occasion items, but I want to eliminate them anyway. Bye-bye, Christmas drinking glasses. LOL.
Okay, now I am down to what I only use and what has multiple uses. I have a ton of extra space and can find things more easily.
The counters are clear and free of clutter. Decluttering my kitchen has created a better open space to spend time with important people.
This makes the kitchen less stressful and less likely that I will buy unnecessary items.
This one act will also lead to less consumption because before my buying illness kicks in again, I will ask myself if I really need it and if I already have something to fulfill the task. Living Simple Being Frugal Until You Are Free.
Decluttering my kitchen was a no-budget remodel. I made money. Decluttering created a clean, more open space, allowing me to enjoy food, friends, and family more easily.