How do people living simple lifestyles find purpose?
Many people believe that living a simple or minimalist lifestyle is done without. I could not disagree more. Is it possible to say that by living a simple and minimalist lifestyle, you are without consumerism, materialism, repetitiveness, commonness, and keeping up with the Joneses?
Finding Purpose By Living a Simple Lifestyle
I am not saying that living simply or following a minimalist lifestyle will define your purpose, but it will help clear a path for you to find some of your purpose in life. Life can be filled with useless garbage and noise fighting to gain attention.
I would say 90% of the activity in the average person’s life is useless garbage and noise. Most of it is unnecessary to succeed in your most coveted goals.
Living a simple Lifestyle helps you to focus and block out that useless garbage and noise that permeates life in most societies.
People who are living become laser-focused on what is important to them and acquire the ability to suppress useless wants and desires.
When you don’t waste time thinking about consumerism, materialism, what car, toys, or clothing to buy to keep up with the Joneses, you have more time to focus on your purpose and feel more accessible to pursue it.
Your attention is not constantly hijacked by things that don’t matter, leaving you to think more deeply about life. This becomes more commonplace in a person living a simple and minimalist lifestyle.
What Does Finding Purpose In Life Mean To You?
One person’s purpose for living will not be another’s. That is the beauty of it all. We all agree that any distractions between you and finding or pursuing your life’s purpose are not good.
Most people still ask why they are here and what they should do with their lives. Many get distracted by consumerism, materialism, repetitiveness, and keeping up with the Joneses.
We may shop, eat, and spend time at the mall because we are bored. It is said we buy stuff we don’t need to impress people we don’t even like.
Have you found your purpose in life? Are you still looking? Are you even looking? Do you even care? Are you happy with the latest toys and apparel, and is the mall your purpose? 😉
Does living a simple or minimalist lifestyle help you find purpose in life? What does finding a purpose in life mean to you?