Really Live The 168 Hours In a Week, Don’t Just Exist

Do you realize you have 168 hours weekly to do your magic? Some think 168 is a lot of time, while others believe it is insufficient. Are you happy with what you are doing at that time?
If you struggle in your daily grind, 168 hours a week is a long time, and you will be watching the clock often.
If you live a life of freedom and choice, 168 hours a week will not even matter. At the end of the week, you will wonder where all that time went. You can live 168 hours a week and not just exist.
Living a life of choice and freedom is a choice.
Life Is Long
People often say life is short. I’m afraid I have to disagree. Life is long, especially if you are forced to do what you hate much of the time. When living and enjoying life, you never look at the clock.
When you hate your job, you are always looking at the clock. Every look adds to the tally of life-sucking waste of time.
It is sad to live praying for your precious time on Earth to quickly sail by, bringing you ever closer to the end of your life. Duh! Time is the ultimate limited resource and very, very precious.
Why are we so quickly willing to trade or waste it for almost nothing?
When you live the unfortunate experience of looking into a terminally ill loved one’s eyes, and all they wish for is more time, you will realize the importance. This will happen at least once in most of our lifetime.
It makes looking at the clock praying for time to fly by at a dead-end job or lackluster existence cringe-worthy. Avoid experiencing regrets about excessive wasted time in life at all costs.
168 Hours In A Week Is Enough Time
Are you making the best use of your 168 hours in a week? I suggest you begin painstakingly documenting that time. When we say we don’t have time for fun, to enjoy life, to do something important, or to live a life of contribution, that is false.
There is plenty of time for the essential things in life. These things make life enjoyable and worth living.
There is time, but we usually waste it in small increments daily. You don’t notice the small increments, but they add to huge, life-stealing chunks of time.
When you document EVERYTHING you spend time doing for 168 hours in a week, you will be able to identify and reclaim that life-stealing wasted time.
The trick is not to find extra time but to eliminate waste to free up time. It is a straightforward, life-changing process. Reclaim your time and enjoy it.
“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery, 1900
Once you document everything you spend time on during the week, you will waste a lot of time. With minor changes in habit and dedication, you will reclaim more than enough time to do all the things you love, spend time with friends and family, and enjoy more of life.
You may find that you spend more time on social media than you thought, and you can reclaim that time. Don’t be surprised if you spend more time watching television shows than you would like.
You may waste time when you are bored, like visiting a co-worker’s cubicle or going to the cafeteria or break room to do nothing; reclaim that time. You may even find you waste time bullshitting around at the gym, and you can reclaim that time also.
Those are some things I found I was doing to waste time, and I was more than happy to reclaim that time.
When you begin documenting your 168 hours a week, you will easily find time to reclaim and do what you now believe you don’t have the time to do. There is enough time to contribute, enjoy, and be more.
Make The Best Of Your 168 Hours in a Week
Even with all the newfound time you have reclaimed out of the 168 hours a week, you still can’t do everything. The good news is you don’t have to do everything.
You have worked on your time log to eliminate the non-essential from your 168 weekly hours. Continue that process. The minimalist, simple lifestyle works for me to stay focused, eliminate the non-essential, and engage in the important. Do what works for you.
Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk have the same 168 hours weekly as you. They worked miracles at that time, and so can you. Who am I kidding?
If you are anything like me or a regular person, you will need to slow down and take baby steps before approaching the massive productivity of these greats. LOL.
I have learned from these guys to reclaim time with a minimalist uniform wardrobe. Steve Jobs was the king of that time-saving tactic. You always see him wearing a black turtleneck top and jeans.
Why waste time shopping for stylish clothing or deciding what to wear in the morning?
Simplifying your day, focusing on the essentials, and eliminating the clutter help eliminate decision fatigue. This can be powerful because you will not make the best choices to maximize the 168 hours a week when physically and mentally tired.
Don’t be surprised if you can reclaim a boatload of hours in a week. You may even become more efficient at work and cultivate relationships with friends and family. This happens when you cut out the non-essential and focus on the essential.
Clutter is an unmade decision that can rob you of precious time and clog up your life. What is important to you? Will you use your reclaimed time to do more at work or spend time with friends and family?
Don’t waste your life. Live and don’t just exist. Find your mission and complete your journey. Use your 168 hours in a week as your template. Continue to document the time you spend and reclaim the waste mentally.
Stop existing and really live your 168 hours A week.
I will start the process of logging my time by the week and reclaim time as you have advised. I am sure there is plenty of time wasted but I am not aware of it. Very informative and thanks for sharing.
Great advice, 168 hours and I know I lose some of them and could be more productive, you have inspired me to get back to basics again.Sometimes we forget. Thank you.