Use The Power Of Saying “NO” To Make Your Life Less Complicated
Saying no to unpleasant things can make your life less complicated. There are commitments that we can avoid to make life less complicated, but we don’t say no to them.
There are standing appointments that we may not feel fulfilling, but we drag ourselves to them anyway. Some can’t be avoided, but why not just say no to those who can and enjoy the rest of the day or evening?
Avoid feeling guilty about it to make your life less complicated.
The bowling team can survive without you for one night. Your workout partner will be there when you show up next Monday. The traditional Friday day night of hanging with your friends can be postponed.
Your significant other should not mind you ditching movie night and going to bed early.
There are times when events like these become less enjoyable. Say no, don’t force yourself to do them, and make your life less complicated. That should not be a problem. There is no need to jump through hoops to force yourself to attend.
Why be miserable? There are insignificant social and work obligations that can be terminated occasionally.
If taking a break to simplify your life is more enjoyable, why not indulge guilt-free? I have listed a few steps to help you enjoy the magic of saying “NO.”
Are You Too Active?
There are times when you need to relax. You are not doing yourself any favors by burning the candle at both ends for extended periods. Your body will always let you know when you need to rest, and you should take the time to obey.
Slow down and learn to say no to non-essential obligations. Operating at 70% of your capacity is not enjoyable, which leads to more stress, errors, and illness. Worst yet, you may begin to believe feeling this way is normal.
It’s better to rest properly and face the world at 100%.
There Is No Such Thing As Perfect
Say no to perfection. You may be good, but you are not perfect. Stop trying to be. You are a beautiful creation with strengths and weaknesses. Enjoy them both. Decide what is good enough and move on.
Live life to LIVE LIFE!
Success is a long road and will always be there. Taking time to enjoy the journey is worthwhile. What sense will it make to be successful if you miss all of the critical events in life along the way?
There is room to be good (not perfect) without guilt, and flashes of perfection will occasionally emerge. Explore it. Let it happen. Don’t kill yourself when perfection eludes you.
The Wrong People
Say no to negative people. Occasionally, your commitments will have you spending time with the wrong people, which may make you uncomfortable. It may be a great time to say no.
Why be miserable spending non-essential time with the wrong people? Sometimes, saying no is just fine; it makes your life less complicated and allows you to enjoy your day more. Find your crew.
The wrong people are not always negative. They may be the wrong people for a given situation. They may be the wrong person to make the deal, or you would rather be a loved one at the time. You do know you can say no.
Constant Complaining
Say no to constant complaining. It feels good to put your foot down and take control. Put an end to the misery of complaining and negative energy. Then, spend favorable time and energy creating a more pleasant environment.
This type of action will yield positive results that will be enjoyed forever. Identify the problems and work on solutions.
Stop Useless Worrying
Remember, you are not perfect. You will make many mistakes along the way. Say no to worrying about them beforehand, and learn from them if they happen.
Why ruin the present by worrying about things that are unlikely to happen anyway? Enjoy mastering the present, and don’t look to make all of your essential decisions too far in advance. You have options and time on your side.
Remember To Grow
Say no to standing still. Sometimes, we get stuck in our ways and neglect self-improvement. Remember to slow down and create time for self-growth. Life is short when it is enjoyable.
On the other hand, life is long when it is not enjoyable. It is possible to do well and grow at the same time. Say no to remaining the same. Constantly seek self-improvement.
“No” Is a Complete Sentence
There are times when saying no can bring instant, overwhelming joy. When you lose sleep, dread committing to an obligation, and finally say no, you feel instant joy. At that moment, your body is overcome with joy and stress relief.
There may be times when you are pressured to do something you do not want to do, and you say no at the last minute. Again, the instant joy and stress relief overwhelm your body.
I know it feels good, but I avoid saying no at the last minute. Always reserve the power to say no in your arsenal, and don’t be afraid to use it.
Have that bad boy cocked? Are you ready to fire? Again, use the magic of saying no when appropriate to simplify your life.