The Diderot Effect, Why We Buy Things We Do Not Need
Why do we buy things we do not need? That is a great question. We have to admit we buy things we don’t need. America consumes twice as many goods as it did 50 years ago, and The World is not far behind.
This is an ever-growing problem, and there are straightforward reasons that contribute. I will point out many of the top reasons and explore ways to avoid weighing life down by buying things we do not need. Is this a problem in your life or just something you observe in others?
If you acknowledge this as a problem, you are in luck. I will help you address and overcome this sneaky, soul-sucking problem.
Is The Diderot Effect Why We Buy Things We Do Not Need
The problem of constantly buying things we do not need is not easy to address, but this is a great starting point. This is one of the rational scientific reasons widely believed to buy things we do not need.
The Diderot Effect states that obtaining a new possession often creates a spiral of consumption which leads you to acquire more new things. As a result, we end up buying things that our previous selves never needed to feel happy or fulfilled – James Clear
The Diderot Effect is accurate, and most of us suffer from it. For example, a special event is coming up, and we buy a new outfit. We have a fully functioning wardrobe, but The Diderot Effect requires a new outfit and many accessories.
You get the idea. Many of you may have never heard of The Diderot effect, but we have all experienced it occasionally.
When buying something we need or there is a change in life, The Diderot Effect can cause people to buy things we do not need us to (we feel) enhance or complement that change. Please bless us with examples of how this may have happened in your life in the comments below.
Some Of The Reasons I Believe We Buy Things We Do Not Need
Now that we have the scientifically widely accepted reason we buy things we do not need, let’s get to the REAL reasons we don’t need them.
This is not rocket science; we already know them all, but here we go: the REAL reasons we buy things we do not need.
1. To Keep Up With The Joneses.
Sometimes, pride causes us to do stupid things. People buy things to keep up with other people. Clothing, jewelry, homes, and cars are some things people buy to impress others.
You can live an extraordinary life without any of those things. The people you care about don’t care what kind of home or care you have.
They don’t care about the type of clothing or jewelry you own. They care about you, but you already know them. The problem is you. Just make it a point to impress the people who care about you in ways that matter to you and them.
2. Doing What You Always Do.
Some people shop because they like to look around. If you’re one of those people, realize you probably have a shopping habit you must break. Think about it. If you can’t think of anything you need right now, why put a whole bunch of stuff in front of your eyes that you’ll want to purchase? Break the just-for-fun shopping habit by making a list of things you need as you think of them during your day and only buying what’s on the list.
3. You Purchase More Of The Same.
People like what they like, even if they already have the same thing. As a child, I remember returning home after shopping with my mother and realizing she had just purchased an outfit she owned.
She would say she would return it, and we would laugh, but I thought nothing of it. We know our weaknesses and should be on guard to prevent them from sparking us to buy things we do not need.
I am aware of my weakness in owning tools and gadgets. Now, I control it. I say a small prayer whenever I have to enter a Home Depot or Lowes Home Improvement store. LOL.
4. To Feel Better About Yourself.
Sometimes, people shop or overeat because they feel bad about themselves. Research has proven that spending money makes people feel better about themselves.
Avoid being in a position to buy things you do not need when you are depressed or just having a bad day.
6. Massive Advertising.
I am always amazed at the amount of advertising I see when I enter malls or the downtown area of any major city. We are bombarded with massive advertising in every aspect of our lives. I assume it works.
This advertising is designed to make people believe their lives will be complete if they purchase these products or services. Capitalism is at the bottom of this massive amount of advertisements. The promise of capitalism and these advertisements are lies.
Don’t believe the hype. We should avoid allowing advertisements to dupe us into buying things we do not need.
7. Knee Jerk Reaction.
Let’s face it. We are led to believe new is always better. This is not always true. In many cases, items can be repaired, or the old one does the job just fine.
Sometimes, people replace items just because a newer one is available. This is often a knee-jerk reaction in our consumerism culture.
Tips To Overcome The Need: Buy Things You Don’t Need
We all recognize that buying things we do not need can cause minor and significant long-term problems. These problems can be avoided. Here are a few tips you can use to help you avoid buying things you do not need.
1. Only Buy What You Need.
Only buy what you need. That is easier said than done, LOL. That is correct. Only buy what you need. You do not have to own the latest and greatest of everything! The Previous model of Samsung Galaxy or iPhone still works great.
If you must buy something new to resist The Diderot Effect, Don’t buy new accessories to complement the purchase. Use what you already have. You will need a new phone case, but that’s all!
This is a great way to help prevent us from buying things we do not need.
2. Create a System
It helps to create a system or a working process to resist buying things you don’t need. I usually ask to wait a week before I purchase an item, which helps me avoid impulse buys.
I also ask myself a few questions before I make any purchases. Here they are:
- Do I need it?
- Can I borrow it?
- Should I buy it used?
- Do I already have an item that can be substituted?
Not necessarily in that order. This system helps me avoid buying things I do not need. Do you have a system?
3. Buy One, Donate One.
This is very simple. When you need to make a purchase, recycle the old item. This will help prevent clutter from growing in your home.
If you get a new winter coat, donate the old one. There is no sense in it taking up space in your closet on cold winter days when it could be used.
If you purchase a new phone, TV, or other electronics, recycle the old one. We all have junk drawers filled with old electronics and a room with a broken TV sitting on the floor. LOL.
If you are unwilling to donate the old item, you should not replace it with a new one. This is a great way to prevent us from buying things we do not need and cultivate the habit of only including the things that bring us joy and happiness. Create Freedom!