8 Quick Tips And Tricks To Help Declutter Your Home

There is nothing live entering a clean, organized, clutter-free home. Employ these tips and tricks to help declutter your home and reach that nirvana. Just…
There is nothing live entering a clean, organized, clutter-free home. Employ these tips and tricks to help declutter your home and reach that nirvana. Just imagine sitting on your couch with nothing else to do in your home but enjoy your investment.
Your home is clean, organized, and clutter-free. That is a fantastic feeling, and you can experience it all the time by employing these tips and tricks to help declutter your home.
1. Develop a Decluttering Routine To Help Declutter Your Home
Yeah, channel what your mother may have told you all your life. Everything has a place, and everything is in its place. Just develop a decluttering routine. I am sure you have heard something similar before
When I came home from work, I left a trail of clothes and belongings across the house—a trail of clothing and debris from the front door to my bedroom. LOL.
2. Memories Should Not Clutter Your Life
It wasn’t very comfortable. Now, my routine compels me to put everything where it belongs. Clothes, shoes, coats, tools, pants (yeah, pants), and laptops are all where they belong.
You should develop the same kind of decluttering routine. It will only take 1 minute and relieve much stress for you and your family. Start with the easy-hanging fruit—you know where it is—and start today.
Don’t litter your home with small shrines. There is no need to continue the tradition of inheriting other people’s items just because they once owned them or keep stuff around to remember past good times.
Sure, there are items a parent, family member, or close friend may have owned that bring back good memories, but that does not mean you have to own them to enjoy them. They are already embedded in your mind.
Sometimes, we keep junk because we think it may be worth money one day. If you believe the items are worth money, there is no shame in selling, donating, or giving them away to someone who can use them.
Sometimes, a feeling of sunk cost compels us to hold on to things because of perceived value. Why clutter your life with things you do not want and things that bring no value? Please get rid of them.
Add the extra money to your bank account or apply the earnings as a tax write-off. The great memories will still be just as sweet, and you will not have to spend years cleaning and moving that extra junk around the house.
3. Designate A Place For Incoming Documents
Not as much now, with the internet and modern technology streamlining our lives, but I am still amazed at how much paper invades my life. What about you?
There was a time I could remember seeing something around the house I wanted to get my hands on, and I had to go on a treasure hunt, looking on tabletops, counters, drawers, and all over my car to find it.
I just saw it, but I could never find it when needed. LOL.
Now, I put EVERYTHING (mail and documents) in one place. That solved many problems for me. Most importantly, it gives me time and a place to go when I need those documents. Before, I would rush through the mail for the time it would take for me to walk through the front door to the kitchen or dining room table.
Now I know where everything is. I returned my dining room table, a few drawers, and countertops. It would be best if you gave it a try. Your chosen place could be a spot on a table, a draw, a whole room, or even a shoebox. You decide what you believe will work best for you.
4. Use A “Maybe” Box Technique To Help Declutter Your Home
One of the best ways to declutter an area is to create a “Discard” and “Keep” box. When you come across items, you quickly decide which box they belong to and treat them accordingly.
Sometimes, the decision is not simple, and a “Maybe” box would be handy. Items that usually end up in the “Maybe” box are things you believe will be needed one day (that day never comes), sentimental items, and Items you think have a monetary value.
I say get rid of it, but I will allow you to decide. Store the “Maybe Box” out of the way for at least 30 days or 6 months. If you need any of those items, remove them from the box. After 6 months, if any items are left, donate, give away, or sell them.
5. Clear Off All Counters To Help Declutter Your Home
This may seem simple, but combating visual stress will go a long way. Something is calming about relaxing in a freshly cleaned home with everything in its place.
Clearing off your counter space can help simulate that effect. Take a look at your counter space. Does that toaster need to be there? What about those potholders, that bread maker or blender?
Are there other places in the kitchen that can be stored and brought out when needed? Clear away as many items as possible, including papers, books, and other junk.
We want a clear, clean, functional, clutter-free, and stress-free look in the kitchen.
6. Quit Overlooking The Clothes You Don’t Wear
Creating a Minimalist Wardrobe will simplify your morning routine, but first, let’s look at what you wear. How long will you waste time sorting through the same clothes you do not wear every day? Some are too small, ugly, or out of season.
Sell, give away, or donate clothing you no longer use—store out-of-season clothing out of the way. Getting dressed daily should be a joy, not a stressful treasure hunt.
To begin your clothing decluttering process, turn all the hangers in your closet in the wrong direction (you decide what that is). If you wear something, put it back on the hanger in the correct direction.
After some time, it will appear that you only wear a small portion of the clothing in your closet. For me, it was just 25%. You know the routine from here: sell, donate, or give away the unnecessary clothing hanging in your closet.
Your mornings will go smoother when you look in your closet and can put your hands on exactly what you need. Only the clothes you love to wear will be smiling at you.
7. Try This Quick and Simple Declutter Routine Daily
This will require you to become ruthless about decluttering your living spaces.
What is the best way to eat an elephant? Eating an elephant can only be done one way. One bite at a time. Decluttering your home can be overwhelming. Let’s make it stress-free and seamless by tackling it one bite at a time.
Here is what you do: Get two large boxes, storage bins, or even garbage bags. You will use them to clear your living spaces of superficial everyday clutter.
When you come across items that you can quickly determine to be trash, put them in the box you decided would be for trash. Items you determined to be sold or donated will be put in the other box.
These will be the items you no longer use or that no longer bring value to your life. Examples include books you no longer reference, clothing you wear, useless decorations, or anything else you would like removed from your living spaces.
Do this for a few minutes daily until almost nothing is left or you feel in control of the clutter.
8. Create a 30-day Quarantine List
This is a must if you want to avoid chasing your tail. I would declutter items only to find myself purchasing similar items again later. To prevent that and other problems, I created a 30-day Quarantine List.
The list contains things I would like to buy, including the date I put each item on the list. These items are quarantined and can not be purchased until 30 days.
I have found that the desire to purchase these things usually subsided during the 30-day quarantine. It’s funny how that happens. I would love to research the psychology behind that, but in the meantime, I will enjoy the money and time I save.
Please try 90 Days To A Clean And Organized Home to ensure your success.
Reading what you had to say about decluttering routines was really helpful. Rather than trying to clear out the entire place at once, I can see this being a much better way to find which items are better to keep and which ones to throw away. I’ll rent out a storage unit in advance so we have a place to store all of the items we throw away.
Thanks for your comment Afton. If you end up needing a storage unit I hope it is a small one because they can be expensive. Try to focus on selling, donating, and throwing away the items that may fit those categories. Good luck 😉